The U9 have had a promising start winning against North Midds and losing by 14 runs to Highgate. More matches to come, with a healthy committed squad of players to pick from Thanks to Kathryn and Lexi for running the team
The U10 moved to hardball this year and we are delighted to welcome a host of new players. A mighty win against Hampstead and a narrow defeat by Primrose Hill sets us up for the season. We look forward to more boys and girls making that move to full hardball cricket.
The U11 are on flying form after being knocked out of the cup – they are now on a winning streak! Thrashing North Mids most recently. We welcome some new players to build an even more competitive team coached and managed admirably by Felix.
The U12 have finally broken their string of very narrow loses with a convincing win against Hornsey. This team have become a serious bunch of cricketers (on pitch) led from the front by coach and manager David. Watch this space.
Our U13 have played the most and very respectively won 2 and lost 2. They are the only team that come with their own artist (check out the pics for sale in the club house). Thanks to Synnove and Phil and the many other parents who make the games happen.
Our U14’s face a tough season as there is only one division. They met a strong Hampstead team – well player – last week to finally kick off their season. More matches to come. More opportunity to show off our skills. Selvan continues to lead the team from near and far, delegating responsibility to the ever supportive parents.
We took a plunge and entered a Girls U15 team into the league. After an open evening and wide promotion, we have the makings of a team. We hope to field a side this Tuesday. Serena often supported by members of the CrEW is working hard to bring CECC first ever Girls team to fruition. Come on the Girls!
U15 after a hard winter of training we see all of our U15 and some new members from Christ College taking the cot by storm. After being knocked out of the cup by a toss of a coin they have gone on to beat Finchley twice and thrash North Midds B. It is encouraging to see so many u15 playing adult matches at the weekend. Great work Ritesh and Dan!
These guys are in the middle of their GCSE but push their books aside to beat Old Elizabethans in the first round of the U17 cup. 10 days more and they will be free to focus on their cricket. We are looking forward to more wins. C’mon the U17s managed tightly by Mike.
And don’t forget our U8s coached by Gail and managed by Kelly. With our U6/7 we have more juniors ready to continue the future of Crouch End CC.
With a healthy number of wins under our belt, Crouch End CC never loses it inclusive and friendly vibe. We welcome Coach Sam from Rockley with her team of U10/11 girls looking to try out a new sport. Thank you to all the parents who support and played at CECC family day ( see pic!)